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Transcorneal permeation of ciprofloxacin and diclofenac from marketed eye drops

Author(s): N Patidar, MS Rathore, DK Sharma, A Middha, VB Gupta
Department of Pharmaceutics, B.R. Nahata College of Pharmacy, Mandsaur-458 001, India

Correspondence Address:
M S Rathore Department of Pharmaceutics, B.R. Nahata College of Pharmacy, Mandsaur-458 001, India India

The purpose of this research was to evaluate the in vitro permeation characteristics of various marketed eye drops of ciprofloxacin (0.3% w/v aqueous solution) and diclofenac (0.1% w/v aqueous solution) through isolated goat cornea. Effect of these drugs on isolated goat eye lenses was also evaluated. Permeation studies were conducted by putting 1 ml of formulation on the cornea fixed between the donor and receptor compartments of an all glass modified Franz diffusion cell and monitoring ciprofloxacin and diclofenac concentration in the receptor (containing normal saline or bicarbonate ringer solution under continuous stirring at 37±2 0 ) spectrophotometrically at their respective absorption maxima, after 120 min. Paired isolated goat lenses (i.e. of same animal) were used to evaluate the effect of these drugs at selected concentrations against oxidative stress (1 mM hydrogen peroxide solution). After 24 h of incubation at 37 0 , the lens treated with test solution (hydrogen peroxide+drug in bicarbonate ringer solution) was estimated for soluble protein content and compared with control (only hydrogen peroxide). Among marketed eye drops of ciprofloxacin, Joxin (Jawa Pharmaceuticals) showed maximum in vitro transcorneal permeation (0.558%) while I-Gesic (Centaur Pharmaceuticals) showed maximum % in vitro permeation or in vitro ocular availability among diclofenac eye drops after 120 min of permeation. The soluble protein content estimation studies revealed that these drugs at selected concentrations (permeated after 120 min.) had no deleterious effect on eye lenses rather possessed protective effect, since all formulation showed more soluble protein content when compared with control.

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Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report