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Targeting Angiogenesis for Treatment of Human Cancer

Author(s): RR Somani1, UV Bhanushali2
1Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, VES's College of Pharmacy, Mumbai-400 074, India 2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Pharmacy, Navi Mumbai-400 614, India

Correspondence Address:
R R Somani Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, VES's College of Pharmacy, Mumbai-400 074 India E‑mail:

Recent advances in cancer research highlighted the importance of target-specific drug discovery. In view of these advances, the most important mechanism in tumour growth is its ability to stimulate the formation of blood capillaries around itself called tumour-driven angiogenesis. Hence targeting the angiogenesis, inhibits the growth of blood vessels around it and responsible for death of the tumour due to starvation and accumulation of toxic waste. The therapy, thus, indirectly cytotoxic to the tumour cells by targeting newly developing blood vessels. In this review, we summarised the various antiangiogenic agents with their clinical uses and current status.

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Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report