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Synthesis of 3-[4-[2,3-dihydro-2-(substituted aryl)-1, 5-benzothiazepin-4-yl] pheyl] sydnones as potential antiinflammatory agents.

Author(s): K Satyanarayana, M NA Rao
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal-576 119,

Correspondence Address:
K Satyanarayana Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal-576 119

3-(p-Cinnamoylphenyl) sydnones (4-16) obtained by condensation of 3-(p-acetyphenyl) sydnones with aromatic aldehydes were condensed with 2-aminothiophenol to yield title compounds (17-29). These were evaluated orally for antiinflammatory and analgesic activities. Except compound 17 all were found to be inactive.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report