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Synthesis And Evaluation Of Pharmacological Activities Of Cyclodextrin Conjugates Of Flurbiprofen

Author(s): Sheeba Varghese, D Gupta, Deepali Mhaske, S. S Kadam, S. R Dhaneshwar

In the present investigation flurbiprofen prodrugs of α and γ cyclodextrins were synthesized. Here the primary hydroxy group of α and γ cyclodextrins were used to block the acid group. The synthesis involved a series of protection and deprotection reaction. The esters were evaluated for their stability in simulated gastric and intestinal fluid. The hydrolysis of cyclodextrin conjugates in colon is confirmed by the hydrolysis kinetics studies in rat faecal material. The esters were evaluated for their analgesic and antiinflammatory activities. The ulcerogenicity of the esters was also studied. The results of these studies revealed that the esters have comparable antiinflammatory and analgesic activity with the parent drug, flurbiprofen. The esters showed no ulcers even at a dose 12 times greater than normal dose.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report