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Pharmacogenetic selection of volunteers increases stringency of bioequivalence studies; the case of clopidogrel

Author(s): J Garces-Eisele1, A Ruiz-Arguelles2, Larisa Estrada-Marin3, Virginia Reyes-Nunez4, R Vazquez-Perez3, Olga Guzman-Garcia3, R Coutino-Medina1, Leticia Acosta-Sandria3, Beatriz Cedillo-Carvallo2
1The Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla, Mexico 2Clinical Laboratories of Puebla of Bioequivalence, The Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla, Mexico 3Clinical Laboratories of Puebla of Bioequivalence, Mexico 4Clinical Laboratories of Puebla, Mexico

Correspondence Address:
Beatriz Cedillo-Carvallo Clinical Laboratories of Puebla of Bioequivalence, The Popular Autonomous University of the State of Puebla Mexico E-mail:

Clinical response to clopidogrel varies widely due to under-dosing, drug interactions and intrinsic interindividual differences resulting from genetic polymorphisms. Cytochrome P450-2C19 is the principal enzyme involved in the activation of the prodrug and loss-of-function alleles have been described. Upon expiration of the pharmaceutical patent of clopidogrel, generic manufacturers have started to subject interchangeable formulations to bioequivalence studies. The purpose of the current investigation was to study the effect of selection of volunteers homozygous for the CYP2C19*1 haplotype on the bioavailability of clopidogrel. A regular 2×2 bioequivalence study between two formulations of clopidogrel was performed in volunteers selected and unselected for relevant CYP2C19 haplotypes for the Mexican population. It was found that selection of volunteers homozygous for the CYP2C19*1 haplotype, increased the stringency of bioequivalence statistics and resulted in bioinequivalence of a generic clopidogrel compound that otherwise proved equivalent when tested in an open unselected population. Augmentation of bioequivalence strictness is expected to result from pharmacogenetic selection of volunteers.

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