Extended Hildebrand Solubility Approach: Satranidazole in Mixtures of Dioxane and Water
The extended Hildebrand solubility parameter approach is used to estimate the solubility of satranidazole in binary solvent systems. The solubility of satranidazole in various dioxane-water mixtures was analyzed in terms of solutesolvent interactions using a modified version of Hildebrand-Scatchard treatment for regular solutions. The solubility of satranidazole in the binary solvent, dioxane-water shows a bell-shaped profile with a solubility maximum well above the ideal solubility of the drug. This is attributed to solvation of the drug with the dioxane-water mixture, and indicates that the solute-solvent interaction energy is larger than the geometric mean (δ1δ2) of regular solution theory. The new approach provides an accurate prediction of solubility once the interaction energy is obtained. In this case, the energy term is regressed against a polynomial in δ1 of the binary mixture. A quartic expression of W in terms of solvent solubility parameter was found for predicting the solubility of satranidazole in dioxane-water mixtures. The method has potential usefulness in preformulation and formulation studies during which solubility prediction is important for drug design.