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Effect Of Rifampicin On Trigonella Foenum Graecum (Fenugreek) - Induced Hypoglycemia In Rats
Author(s): T Vetrichelvan, S Kavimani, J. K Gupta, C Lakshmi Narasimhan
Albino male rats were made diabetic by alloxan and maintained on standard diet (control) were administered fenugreek seed powder (2 g/kg) and fenugreek seed mixed with rifampicin (10 mg/kg) orally. Blood samples were collected in fluoride vials through cardiac puncture under ketamine anaesthesia. Sugar estimation was done by Dubowski's technique. Observations reveal that fenugreek seeds produced significant (P<0.01) hypoglycemic effect but on concurrent administration of rifampicin, fenugreek seeds became ineffective.
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