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Diuretic activity of Lagenaria siceraria fruit extracts in rats

Author(s): BV Ghule, MH Ghante, PG Yeole, AN Saoji
Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Borgaon (Meghe), Wardha - 442 001, India

Correspondence Address:
B V Ghule Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Borgaon (Meghe), Wardha - 442 001 India E-mail:

Vacuum dried juice extract and methanol extract of the fruits of Lagenaria siceraria Mol. have been evaluated for its diuretic activity in albino rats. Different parameters viz. total urine volume (corrected for water intake during the test period), urine concentration of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and chloride have been evaluated. The rats treated with vacuum dried Lagenaria siceraria juice extract (LSJE) and Lagenaria siceraria methanol extract (LSME) (100-200 mg/kg; p.o. ) showed higher urine volume when compared to the respective control. Both LSJE and LSME have exhibited dose-dependent increase in the excretion of electrolytes when compared to control group. The elevated diuretic potential of LSFE and LSME was statistically significant ( P <0.05) and comparable to that of the standard diuretic agent furosemide (20 mg/kg; i.p.).

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