Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide And Bromhexine Hydrochloride : Simultaneous Estimation By Two - Wavelength And Derivative Spectroscopic Methods
A simultaneous analysis of two component formulation containing dextromethorphan HBr and bromhexine HCl by two-wavelength and derivative spectroscopic methods has been achieved. Dextromethorphan HBr and bromhexine HCl show linearity in the range of 0-120 μg/ml and 0-40 μg/ml respectively. In the two wavelength method, wavelengths selected for dextromethorphan HBr were 278.2 nm and 333.4 nm and for bromhexine HCl were 245.0nm and 294.6nm. In derivative spectroscopy, estimation of dextromethoraphan HBr and bromhexine HCl was carried out in the 4th order (N=9) at 259.0 nm and 255.4 nm respectively. The results of the analysis of both methods have been statistically validate and were found to be satisfactory. Both methods are simple, rapid and accurate.