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Development of a RP-HPLC method for analysis of Triphala curna and its applicability to test variations in Triphala curna preparations

Author(s): V Pawar, P Lahorkar, DB Anantha Narayana
Unilever Research India, 64 Main Road, Whitefield, Bangalore-560 066, India

Correspondence Address:
V Pawar Unilever Research India, 64 Main Road, Whitefield, Bangalore-560 066 India

A sensitive, rapid, reverse phase HPLC method is reported for analysis of Triphala Curna using gallic acid, chebulagic acid and chebulinic acid as markers. Validation data for the method has been provided. Unlike methods of recovery testing adopted for synthetic chemicals, a modified approach has been presented here for a formulation like Triphala Curna having three myrobalans in its composition. Data has been provided to demonstrate applicability of the method developed to assess the variation in the Triphala Curna preparations.

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Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report