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Dendrimer Polycation For Delivery Of Genes

Author(s): P.K Tripathi, A.J Khopade, T Dutta, R.B Umamaheshwari, S Jain, D.K Saraf, N.K Jain

Genetic diseases are either monogenic, which involve defect of single gene and are an easy target for gene therapy or polygenic, which involve a number of defective genes and are poor targets for gene therapy. Earlier gene therapy used viral vectors but the advantages of non-viral system are being fully exploited. This review focuses on cationic polymers especially dendrimers as a delivery system for DNA as ligand targeting. Where possible the relative efficiency of different cationic polymeric delivery systems is compared. It also aims to focus on the Immense potential of dendrimer as carrier for gene.


Google scholar citation report
Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report