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Alpha Tocopherol - A New Report from Memecylon Species

Author(s): T. R. Bharathi, H. N. Shankara and H. S. Prakash*
Department of Studies in Biotechnology, Institution of Excellence, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570 006, India

Correspondence Address:
Department of Studies in Biotechnology, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570 006, India, E-mail:

The genus Memecylon L. (Melastomataceae), an important source of traditional medicine is mainly distributed in the Western Ghats region of Karnataka. In Indian ethnomedical practices, this plant is reported to be effective for skin and viral diseases including herpes and chickenpox. The objective of the present study was to screen Memecylon species namely M. umbellatum, M. edule, M. talbotianum, M. malabaricum and M. wightii for the bioactive compounds with special reference to skin diseases. Leaf samples were dried and extracted using methanol. TLC analysis of methanol extracts of five Memecylon species showed single band with RF value 0.61 detected at 260 nm. This band was eluted and subjected to high performance liquid chromatography. Profiles of Memecylon species confirmed the presence of α-tocopherol on comparison with the standard. Among five Memecylon species, M. malabaricum (0.724%) and M. talbotianum (0.362%) showed highest α-tocopherol concentration. For the first time α-tocopherol was reported from Memecylon species. Further, the structure of α-tocopherol was confirmed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis. Presence of α-tocopherol (vitamin E) in Memecylon species validates the traditional use of Memecylon species in the treatment of skin diseases.

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Citations : 69022

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