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A Novel Clinical Pharmacy Management System in Improving the Rational Drug Use in Department of General Surgery

Author(s): L Bao1, Y Wang1, T Shang2, X Ren1, R Ma1
1Department of Pharmacy, Inner Mongolia medical university, Hohhot, China 2The Third Hospital of Shijiazhuang Affiliated Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, China

Correspondence Address:
R Ma Department of Pharmacy, Inner Mongolia medical university, Hohhot China E‑mail:

Hospital information system is widely used to improve work efficiency of hospitals in China. However, it is lack of the function providing pharmaceutical information service for clinical pharmacists. A novel clinical pharmacy management system developed by our hospital was introduced to improve the work efficiency of clinical pharmacists in our hospital and to carry out large sample statistical analyzes by providing pharmacy information services and promoting rational drug use. Clinical pharmacy management system was developed according to the actual situation. Taking prescription review in the department of general surgery as the example, work efficiency of clinical pharmacists, quality and qualified rates of prescriptions before and after utilizing clinical pharmacy management system were compared. Statistics of 48,562 outpatient and 5776 inpatient prescriptions of the general surgical department were analyzed. Qualified rates of both the inpatient and outpatient prescriptions of the general surgery department increased, and the use of antibiotics decreased. This system apparently improved work efficiency, standardized the level and accuracy of drug use, which will improve the rational drug use and pharmacy information service in our hospital. Meanwhile, utilization of prophylactic antibiotics for the aseptic operations also reduced.

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Citations : 69022

Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences received 69022 citations as per google scholar report